Project plan in the region Ústí. The project VTE Volyně will be located in the cadastral territory Volyně u Výsluní in altitude of 870 m above sea level, on plots of land, which are determined for construction of wind power plants in the Land use plan of the Town Výsluní. The Land use plan of the Town Výsluní was paid by the company WINDENERGIE, s.r.o.
13 x ENERCON E82/2MW, hub height 108 m, rotor diameter 82 m.
Binding opinion for connection of power of 26 MW to substation 22/110 kV Vernéřov, approx. 8 km from the place of the project.
A contract was entered into with the company ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. and the share in the connection was paid.
Consent of the municipality to the investment plan.
Own and rented plots of land for construction of the wind power plants.
Consents to easements for cables.
EIA – (Environmental Impact Assessment) started on 27 February 2009.
In 2010 this project was sold to the company APB – Plzeň, a.s.
Wind power plants of the company Ecoenerg, s.r.o., which are located in neighbouring cadastral territory of the municipality Rusová. It regards wind power plants of type ENERCON E82, power 2 MW, hub height 85 m.