Windenergie, s.r.o. was founded in 2001.
In 2003 the company took over Windenergie, Ltd. German company Windwin GmbH & Co. KG. KG Aichtal near Stuttgart. This company belongs to a group of companies Dipl. Ing. Karl Schlecht / PM Putzmeister.
In 2008 she became the sole shareholder Windenergie Ltd. Wintus GmbH company, which also belongs to a group of companies Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Charles schlecht. Windenergie, Ltd. has, by virtue of the parent company Wintus GmbH, which currently operates wind turbines with a total capacity of 17 MW and rich experience. Subsidiary Wintus GmbH is closely associated with the Foundation ” Wind Energy Department at the University of Stuttgart, under the auspices of its owner, Dipl.-Ing. Karl Schlecht.
In May 2014 Dipl. Ing. Karel Schlecht was dismissed from the position of company executive. As of the same date, the new Managing Directors, Ing. Martin Alexander Schlecht and Mr. Rudolf Kreisinger were appointed.
In 2021 Mr. Rudolf Kreisinger died after serious illness and his son Mr. Rudolf Kreisinger Jr. was appointed to the position of Managing Director of the company together with Martin Schlecht – son of the founder and owner of the company.